About SuperKidz
Super Sam & Super Sara are the SuperKidz here to tell you about their amazing superpowers!
An initiative by Landmark Group, SuperKidz is part of the Beat Diabetes campaign aiming to help kids get active and eat healthy.
It all began when Landmark Group realized that they could make a difference in the lives of their millions of customers across the Middle East and India by raising awareness to prevent type 2 diabetes. With a network of 2200 stores including loved brands like, Centrepoint, Babyshop, Shoemart, Splash, Lifestyle, Iconic, Max, Shoexpress, Home Centre, Home Box, Emax, etc. across 22 countries, Landmark started Beat Diabetes 10 years ago with three simple pillars: eat healthy, get active and take the test

The SuperKidz get their superpowers from their healthy habits and are part of the Beat Diabetes family. The purpose of SuperKidz is to encourage children to form healthy habits that will stay with them for life!
Super Sam and Super Sara have two great comic books following their adventures. They love sports, reading, running and eating lots of veggies and fruits. To read the SuperKidz e-comics click here.
If you would like to be a Super Kid, participate in our SuperKidz creative competition today!
If you would like to know more about Beat Diabetes check us out on www.beatdiabetes.me or show us some love on Facebook and Instagram. For more information on Landmark Group, visit us on www.landmarkgroup.com.

Super Sam is a 9 year old Super Kid! He loves swimming and football and is even the school sports captain! When Sam’s not playing sports, he loves solving crossword puzzles. His favorite food is wheat pancakes with honey. His superpowers include incredible strength and zippy speed.

Tennis, dancing, reading and solving math equations are some of the things that 8 year old, Super Sara is excellent at. Besides these activities she also enjoys baking oatmeal cookies with her mom and is the school's pole vault champion. Her superpowers include good memory and eagle eyes.